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Web DevelopmentMobile App DevelopmentPlatform DevelopmentAPI Development
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Make your products and services available for third-party integrators.

Create, grow, and monetize APIs:

Lifecycle Management
We help you identify value, systemize tapping into that value, and create, maintain, and monitor developer access to that value.
Architect and deploy programming interfaces that developers love to use.
Keep all your business resources (physical, digital, and intellectual) safe from abuse and theft.
Make your APIs available to developers through standard interfaces like REST, SOAP, or proprietary protocols.

Extract new value out of your business resources.

Transform your business services into products you can automate and sell.
Tap into your internal databases and other intellectual property to create and sell new services.
Proprietary Technology
Securely expose, distribute, and monetize private systems, algorithms, and analysis methodologies.
I have never worked with a more flexible development team before that actually gets results that we are looking for in our company.
Bryan Roberts
Director of Operations
Choosing a software company to work on your project is hard. I’m happy with our decision to use Convina. I’ve really enjoyed working them and highly recommend them.
Tommy D'Angelo
Convina's ability to turn projects as quickly and efficiently as they do is unheard of and I have been incredibly impressed. In my ten years in this industry I have yet to find a team this talented and organized.
Chris Cahoon
Director of Marketing
Real Estate

Extract new value out of your business resources.

Create interfaces that enable communication between internal systems, databases, and third-party integrators.
Keep your service safe with managed authentication, authorization, and encryption.
Create, apply, and test enforcement of business logic throughout your API.
Observe and react to errors, trends, and opportunities with automatic tracing, monitoring, and logging systems.

Power your API with the top cloud providers:

Extract new value out of your business resources.

Backend Performance
From data systems, to business logic, to user input/output... the lowest possible processing and response times are critical.
Scalable Architecture
From day one, we build web apps to scale and handle thousands of concurrent connections.
Unit Testing
Streamline development and deployment with automated testing of every component in your software
Performance Monitoring
Get realtime insights into errors and bottlenecks that impact user experience.